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Transparent Material Data and Digital Product Passports

In the era of digital transformation, transparency in material data is becoming increasingly important. At Responsable Textile Consulting, we recognize this shift and are equipped to guide companies through this transition.


We understand that Digital Product Passports—a key element in the future of sustainable textiles—require comprehensive and accurate material data. Our team has the technical expertise to assist companies in collecting and managing this data, ensuring that their Digital Product Passports are both reliable and informative.


Our services include:

  • Data Collection Guidance: We provide guidance on what data to collect, how to collect it, and how to manage it effectively. This ensures that your Digital Product Passports are backed by accurate and comprehensive data.

  • Digital Product Passport Transition: We guide companies through the transition to Digital Product Passports, helping them understand the process and the benefits it brings.

  • Application Selection: With our extensive network of connections to various companies offering technical applications for passports, we can guide brands and producers in choosing the right application for their needs.


At Responsable Textile Consulting, we’re not just keeping up with the digital transformation—we’re leading the way. Let us help you navigate the future of transparent material data and Digital Product Passports.

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