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In January 2024, Refashion in France proudly launches the inaugural industrial challenge for textile and shoe recycling. This significant milestone has been made possible by the mandatory eco-contribution fees introduced in January 2023, providing substantial support for large-scale textile and shoe recycling. France leads the way as the first country to implement stringent Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) regulations for new textile and shoe products entering the French market.



Recycling of textiles will become obligatory in Europe 2025. Textile waste is not allowed to be burned or send to land fill any more. Industry needs to be prepared for a circular economy.




According Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation the circular economy is a multibillion euro business opportunity for the textile industry.




Based on survey of IFM Paris and Premier Vision Paris in September 2020, 42% of consumers find that eco-responsible raw materials are most important criteria for purchasing a sustainable product




2020 According Mc Kinsey sustainability issues are also attracting increasing attention at executive level. Some 50% of fashion executives in a recent opinion poll indicated that sustainability has moved up on the agenda in recent months.


Zalando collaborates with the Higg index and aims to have a transparent supplier chain by 2023. Target is to have 20% of turnover coming from sustainable products.



Based on survey of International Trade Center in 2019, 92% of retailers expect sales of sustainable products to increase in the next five years. Furthermore 65% of retailers interviewed reported a 10% increase in sales of sustainable products over the past years.


Sustainable textaile transformation.

Coaching in sustainable fabricks.

Recycled material development.




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